As we discussed in last post that ADO has some limitation. so to overcome that limitation we are switching to ADO.NET.
It is technology providing interface between database and the applications. It is the collection of classes that enables us to connect to the database. It is the framework used for interacting with any database of xml document.
-It supports two object models for connecting with database
1. ADO.Net Disconnected model
2. ADO.Net Connected model
Now we will discuss both the models one by we are..
1. ADO.Net Disconnected Model
It is used for interacting with the databases then connectivity between the application and the database is not needed whenever any data navigations or data manupulation has to be performed.
NOTE: It opens and close connection automatically when needed.
It has the following objects:
1. connection
2. dataadaptor
3. dataset
1. Connection Object:
To get the data from database we need some kind of thing i.e. connection to the database. This connection object allow us to make the connection with the database to get the data or to make the application connection to the database .
2. DataAdaptor:
Once the connection has been established with the database we need some intermediate kind of thing to get and set the data to and forth. DataAdaptor is the object which is the intermediate between database and dataset. When we get the data/ to update the data to/ from database we use dataadapter to achieve this kind of thing. we can say it is the bridge between the database and database. DataAdaptor internally uses command object to achieve this.
3. DataSet:
Dataset is the in-memory representation of the data in xml format. It can have the data from multiple databases. ex-sqlserver,oracle,xml files.
We are going to see the detail scenario of dataset that hoe it manages the different databases in next post...
we will discuss DataView later...because of time being am updating the post in chunks..
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